Friday, August 8, 2008

What Can You Do to Counter Skyrocketing Fuel Cost? by Benedict Smythe

Fuel Cost are higher now than they have ever been and there seems to be no end. So, what can be done about these prices? The answer is to find ways to save on Fuel money. It sounds simple, but it is easier said than done. Below are a few tips and tricks that can help you save up on gas cost.

Bear the Heat a little Bit

One of the easiest things to do in order to lower your gas consumption is by turning off the air conditioner. The AC unit of your car eats up more gas than you think. Turning it off can mean a few additional miles to your gallon. Just bear the heat for a little bit. Bring your shades and wear suntan. The heat can't be that bad, can it? After all, the wind blows while you drive. That will help cool you down significantly.

Fill It Up

Gas prices continue to rise every week. That is why it is better to fill up your tank during your visit to the station rather than just loading a gallon or two every now and then. By doing this, you will be able to save money because you filled up your tank when the price was lower. This also helps you save on fuel because you won't be spending so much time driving to and from the fuel pump.


A lot of car owners today are upgrading their engines so that it will be able to run on LPG gases. LPG conversion kits are now available in gas pumping stations all over the country. These are considerably cheaper compared to regular gasoline. Plus, they are much better for the environment.

Loose Weight

No, not you, your car! Take the load off your vehicle. Take out any items inside or on top that car that you don't necessarily need. Also, avoid loading heavy items in your car so that you won't consume as much fuel. The heavier your car is the more the engine has to work in order to keep it moving. And an overheated and overworked engine translates into more fuel consumption and woe for your wallet.

Slow Down

Ease up on the gas pedal a little bit. If you are not in a hurry - slow down. Slower speeds consume lesser fuel. If you are on an extended road trip, use the cruise control. This will help you maintain a regular speed throughout the journey. Fluctuations in speed and hasty acceleration can all increase your car's fuel consumption.

Gas Rebate Credit Cards

Another great thing to do in order to save money on fuel is by using gas rebate cards. When you use these credit cards to buy fuel at any pumping stations, you get a certain rebate percentage. Most cards offer a 10% rebate. That's already a lot and you can use the money you save on rebates on other important items.

Go to Costco and Other Similar Stores

Warehouse stores like Costco often have pumping stations in their parking lots. Fuel from these stations is often cheaper than fuel from regular stations. The lines may be long, but the savings are worth it.

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If you are wanting to by a Satellite Navigation for your car then Benedict recommends For anything tech related including GPS Sat Nav, Speakers, in-car entertainments then Benedict recommends

Buying a Car? - GO Hybrid! Go Green! by Benedict Smythe

With Fuel Costs on the rise, filling a 17 gallon SUV gas tank can be a nightmare. Even worse, that full tank may not even last you the whole day. And the quick burning of gas fuel contributes to harmful car emissions that negatively affect the environment. But, instead of lamenting over your losses, why not consider an alternative? Hybrid cars are a great answer to the rising costs of fuel. They are very efficient and environmentally friendly as well.

What Makes a Car a Hybrid?

Essentially, a hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that runs on two different fuel sources. A great example would be a sailboat that runs on rowing as well as electric power. Hybrid cars on the other hand run on both fuel and electricity. It then allows the car to run longer on lesser fuel. That makes the hybrid car an environmentally and wallet friendly vehicle.

Hybrid Cars and the Environment

Other than consuming lesser fuel, hybrid cars also generates lesser amounts of harmful car emissions compared to other vehicles. Here are a few ways that Hybrid cars save on fuel.

SUFFICIENT BATTERIES - The secondary power source of Hybrid cars are the batteries. Hybrid car batteries are capable of saving and reusing energy. It works similarly to electric cars, sans the plug, making it more convenient.

GASOLINE/ DIESEL CHOKE - regular cars use up a lot of gasoline when the engines continue running even when the car is at a standstill. Hybrid cars supplement that. They are designed to shut off the gasoline or diesel engine when it is not moving. During this time, the car relies on the power provided by the battery. A decrease in fuel use also means a decrease in car emissions.

Top Hybrid Cars in the Market Today

Hybrid cars are all the rage today because not only are they fuel efficient, they do the environment good too. The top three hybrid cars available today are as follows.

TOYOTA PRIUS - The Prius has been in the market for nearly a decade. Such longevity can only attest to the quality of the vehicle. It is the best car if you want to save money. This little beauty can run for miles and miles and still have a gallon or two to spare. The great thing about the Prius is that its manufacturers have made it functional as well. Unlike other hybrid models, the Prius comes with a spacious cargo hatch. It is also one of the most affordable hybrids in the market today.

SATURN VUE GREEN LINE - It may not be considered as a full hybrid, but the Saturn Vue Green Line can certainly hold off on fuel use. And, if you are looking for an SUV and save money on fuel at the same time, then this is the hybrid car for you. The only problem with this SUV hybrid is that it's doesn't have a 4-wheel drive option.

HONDA CIVIC HYBRID - The Honda Civic is one most recognizable car in the world. That is why it's such a treat that the company has come up with a hybrid version. The Civic Hybrid can run up to 54% longer on a full tank of gas compared to a regular car. Not bad. As an added bonus, the Civic Hybrid is also a great car to drive.

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If you are wanting to by a Satellite Navigation for your car then Benedict recommends For anything tech related including GPS Sat Nav, Speakers, in-car entertainments then Benedict recommends

Will Fuel Prices Ever Go Down Again? by Benedict Smythe

Unlikely! At this point, it seems like fuel prices will never go down. It has steadily risen from $ 1.90/ gallon to its present state of $4.50/gallon. Some people say that gas prices will go down in the coming months. Some same otherwise and predict that the only direction fuel prices will be going is up, up and up.


The news today is a barrage of reports stating that fuel prices have hit new heights. Seeing people being interviewed at gas stations has become a regular thing. People are outraged by the impossibly high prices. But, the thing is - there is nothing to be done. Individual laments will only fall on the deaf ears of oil giants. They don't care. They have their own crisis in their hands. And what crisis is that you ask? The problem is that Oil Titans are now facing the fact that OIL IS RUNNING OUT. They themselves cannot lower the price of fuel. If they did, they would soon find themselves filing for Bankruptcy.

The Optimists

Hold off your woes and listen to what the optimists have to say about the issue of fuel prices: They predict that fuel will go back down to at least $2.50/gallon after the 2008 Presidential election. Wouldn't that be a dream? They say that the current heights in the price of fuel are only caused by the unrest in the economy. And as soon as the economy settles down, so will fuel prices.

The Pessimists

Those who see the world with a "the glass is half empty" philosophy have this to say: The price of fuel will never go down again. It is predicted that it will reach a dizzying $12/gallon by 2009. There is no space to back down because the oil companies themselves are being cornered. Oil is running out and there is nothing that they can do.


Both sides have made good points. It is true that the current downfall of the US dollar and the US economy has added to the rising cost of fuel. But, that's not all that's causing it. As pessimists have stated, oil reserves are drying up and oil companies have no where to go. So, will gas prices ever go down again?

Here is a more realistic answer: There is a chance that fuel prices will go down a little bit. Maybe it will happen with the appointment of a new American president. But a prediction of $2.50/gallon is very unlikely. Consumers would be lucky if gas prices dropped to $3.30/gallon. But the predicted drop in oil prices will not continue for long. After a few months (even weeks) costs will skyrocket once more. The $12/gallon prediction is highly plausible.

Oil Was Never Cheap

The thing is - Oil was never cheap. It was only an illusion portrayed by the gas companies. They themselves didn't realize it until recently. Sure, drilling, pumping, refining and transporting fuel may cost little, but the real damage is on the environment. Today, the world is in facing environmental problems that are stacking up like dominoes. It would take billions and billions of dollars and decades just to patch things up. That is the real price of oil.

About the Author

If you are wanting to by a Satellite Navigation for your car then Benedict recommends For anything tech related including GPS Sat Nav, Speakers, in-car entertainments then Benedict recommends

Reducing Fuel Costs: Is Ethanol the Right Solution? by Benedict Smythe

There has been so much hype over ethanol. In the last year alone, there has been a 60% increase in the number of gas pumps offering this gasoline alternative. So, is ethanol the answer to ballooning fuel costs? Find a list of Ethanol Pros and Cons below and decide for yourself.


A SIZEABLE PRICE DIFFERENCE - It is true, Ethanol mix is indeed much cheaper than pure gasoline. You can save around 20 - 30 cents when you use ethanol instead of gasoline. That can add up, especially if you are driving a 17 gallon SUV that eats fuel up like crazy.

A DECREASE IN CARBON MONOXIDE CAR EMISSIONS - Another good thing about using ethanol instead of pure gasoline is the fact that ethanol decreases carbon monoxide emissions. When you use ethanol mix instead of gasoline you are decreasing your car's greenhouse gas emissions by 30%.

LOCALLY MANUFACTURED - The biggest selling point of ethanol is the fact that it can be grown and manufactured within the country. Now, there is no need to buy staggering amounts of fuel from foreign countries just to keep your car running.


Mind you, ethanol isn't as pristine as their manufacturers would have you believe. Sure, it is much easier on the environment compared to gasoline. But, it still contributes to greenhouse gases in one way or another. For now, Ethanol seems like a great alternative to rising Fuel Costs, but dependence on it should not be developed. Some issues regarding the use of Ethanol to counter the rising Fuel Costs are found below.

WORLD HUNGER FOR WORLD FUEL - Most of today's ethanol is produced from farm raised corn. It means that more and more farmers are now growing corn for fuel instead for food. That presents a very real threat to world nutrition. In fact, the nightmare has already begun. Hispanic countries have rallied on their streets demanding a decrease in the price of the food staple. Is the world really willing to forgo feeding its people just so its cars can run? Hopefully, not!

UNCONVIENTLY TRANSPORTED - Unlike gasoline, Ethanol cannot be transported through pipe line. Its chemical composition makes iy Hydrophilic (attracts water to itself). And ethanol mixed with water is virtually useless. That is why ethanol has to be transported by trucks. That means more fuel is used even before ethanol gets to a pumping station.

CARS DON'T RUN ON ETHANOL ALONE - Ethanol alone doesn't have enough energy to be an efficient fuel source. It needs to be mixed with Gasoline. That means that Ethanol doesn't necessarily rid the world of her dependence on gasoline. It just decreases it. With the rising price of gasoline, soon even the angelic Ethanol will be too expensive.

Other Answers to the Fuel Cost Crisis

The hype over Ethanol has effectively overshadowed other more worthy fuel saving wonders. Hybrid cars for instance, they are a great answer to the rising cost of fuel. You can go for miles on end without having to fill up every now and again. Then there are Electric Cars and Zero-Emission Vehicles that can run without hurting the environment. What about those solutions? Maybe it's time fuel companies focus on those solutions more and put ethanol to bed - before it gets out of hand.

About the Author

If you are wanting to by a Satellite Navigation for your car then Benedict recommends For anything tech related including GPS Sat Nav, Speakers, in-car entertainments then Benedict recommends

East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach Service Versus Local Mechanic by Zack

To ensure your Myrtle Beach Volkswagen runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come, it is important to have your VW maintained and serviced. Regular auto maintenance is crucial to keeping your Volkswagen working well, maximizing your fuel efficiency and avoiding costly repairs. But when your VW needs work, where should you take it? You could try a local corner garage, or you could take your VW to East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Technical Knowledge and Capabilities

The service technicians at East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach are specialists. They are trained by Volkswagen and work exclusively on VW's. East Coast Volkswagen service technicians and service staff are continuously trained to stay on the cutting edge of VW repair and customer service in Myrtle Beach.

A local corner mechanic shop is knowledgeable and trained, however their knowledge and training is for a variety of vehicles. They may be able to work well on various makes and models of automobiles, but they are most likely not Volkswagen specialists.

Convenience and Location

Local "corner" mechanic shops are generally more easily accessible since there are so many of them across town. You may pass dozens of shops on the way to East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach. Small repairs such as tire patches would be easier for the customer to stop at the nearest corner garage, but it is recommended that major repairs be taken to the Service Department at East Coast Volkswagen. If your VW is still under warranty or dealer maintenance plan, then definitely drive to the VW dealership. The Service Department at East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach even offers television, free coffee and wireless internet access while you wait! Many local corner shops are unable to offer their customers waiting room luxuries like a VW dealership can.

Warranties and Work Guarantees

If your VW is under warranty then definitely take your vehicle to East Coast Volkswagen's Service Department. You will not have to spend any out of pocket money if your repair is covered under your VW warranty. Also, the work and genuine parts from VW's service department are backed by a nationwide warranty. Some local mechanic shops offer warranties and parts guarantees, however they are generally only honored at their shop. Warranties and guarantees from East Coast Volkswagen's Service Department in Myrtle Beach offers nationwide warranties and guarantees meaning that if you are out of town and your VW needs repair you can take your vehicle to the nearest Volkswagen dealership to be repaired.

Customer Satisfaction

High levels of customer satisfaction are one of the main reasons why Volkswagen is successful. VW builds durable, safe, economical and affordable vehicles that are a pleasure to drive while meeting a wide variety of customer requirements. Volkswagen engages in systematic customer relationship management and conducts comprehensive customer satisfaction surveys to ensure customer satisfaction is met. Volkswagen uses the results from their market research and customer satisfaction analyses to optimize customer relations.

Volkswagen has had success from there comprehensive relationship management approach and has won a large number of awards because of its approach. External studies confirm high levels of customer satisfaction for the Volkswagen brand. For example, a major German motoring magazine conducted an image analysis and VW took second place in the "environment" category.

Local mechanic shops are generally known for having good customer satisfaction as well. Most corner garages are small and depend heavily on repeat business and word of mouth to keep their business thriving. They know that a happy customer will tell a friend or family member, but an unhappy customer could tell ten friends.

Recalls and Service Bulletins

If there is a recall or service bulletin for your VW, East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach would be more capable of helping you with this since there service department automatically checks for these types of issues and is also in direct contact with Volkswagen manufacturing facilities.

Local mechanic shops do their best to stay in tune with the latest on all vehicles, but most simply do not have the time to keep up with every recall and service bulletin for every manufacturer.

Quality VW Parts

Local mechanic shops carry both aftermarket parts and OEM parts as well. They are able to offer their customers a choice over OEM parts or aftermarket parts which may help save the customer a little money. The only drawback is that sometimes it can be difficult for a small local shop to keep a generous stock of genuine VW parts in stock and you may have to wait on parts to be ordered. Also, there are times when aftermarket parts are inferior to genuine Volkswagen parts which are the same high-quality parts your VW was built with.

The service department at East Coast VW in Myrtle Beach carries a large inventory of quality manufacturer recommended VW parts that will keep your Volkswagen running at optimum performance. You can also order VW parts from their website.


Some small mechanic shops that specialize in European vehicles can help customers with special VW customizations. They can modify your VW to your specifications and can help you gain maximum performance for your money.

Myrtle Beach East Coast Volkswagen's service department can also offer customization and performance upgrades. An advantage of using East Coast VW for your customizations is that their certified Volkswagen technicians can install them for you and often times the VW modifications done by a certified VW dealer will not void your warranty unlike those offered by an outside mechanic.

Myrtle Beach Volkswagen Facilities

East Coast Volkswagen in Myrtle Beach offers state-of-the-art facilities that feature the most current diagnostic and repair equipment available and there factory-trained technicians can deliver the most efficient and quality vehicle care. They offer a clean and organized service department which is kept up-to-date with the latest technology, tools and VW information. East Coast VW's waiting room features clean restrooms, TV, magazines, free coffee and wireless internet access. You can even schedule your appointment online.

It is tough for small mechanic shops to compete with dealership service facilities.

You're Choice

It is ultimately up to the customer where in Myrtle Beach they want to take their Volkswagen, local mechanic or East Coast Volkswagen Service Department. Both options have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Make sure wherever you take your VW that they are certified, offer quality parts and always check to see if your repairs are covered under your warranty.

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Internet Marketer

Less Is Not More - You Get What You Pay For by David C. Atkin

I realize that I wrote on this subject just a few days ago, but it seems that people just prefer to torch-er themselves, so I will do one more article on this subject, this will be the last time for me writing about this subject, and I'll go back to the regular subjects that I normally write about on this blog.

There is no doubt that people are always looking to get cars on the cheap, I was looking at the stats on my site and noticed that one of the search terms is muscle cars under $3000 dollars, and it worries me, usually people don't know what their going to get in to when they look for things like this, normally you just don't find a good muscle car for this kind of money, it's just not the 1980's any more, and people really study before they sell their muscle cars.

With that said, I will try to explain what you can expect in t muscle car for under $3000, I was out driving around yesterday and noticed a 1965 Mustang sitting on the side of the road for sale, with a price tag of $2,500, and I stopped to take a look, needless to say the car was a rusted out piece of garbage, when I lifted the hood I noticed that the side skirts in the engine compartment were rusted beyond repair, and the wiring was in about the same shape.

Upon further inspection of this car I noticed that the rocker panels were also completely gone, well there was still some of the main structure for them, the car's paint was original and almost nonexistent, the seats had weather rotting, and springs sticking out of them, now I did not ask the owner to fire that car up, but you can tell what would have probably happened if I did, there would have been some excuse why he can't start the car, "Red Light" , this is a typical car for this kind of money, and probably in better shape then most.

If you want you project to take years to finish, and cause you a lot of pain, and agony then this is right where you want to start, but if you don't want to spend 10's of thousands of dollars on it and take a lot of time to finish the restoration of it then your better off to save up a bit more cash before you buy your muscle car, and do a lot of studying on the subject, learn all you can about the car that you want to buy, so when you do buy it you'll be well informed and the person selling the car can't pull a fast one on you.

I only write articles like this to help you get the right car, so you'll finish building it, and love it for years to come, so you won't get discouraged and give up on the project, and yet another car is down the toilet, now if your comfortable with a real piece of junk, then by all means, buy the car with the quarter panels rusted off of it, the Flintstones floor boards, and a true rag top, the old saying, you get what you pay for is the gods honest truth with cars.

If you'd like to be driving the car any time soon, then plan on spending a little money at the first, it will end up saving you a lot in the end, restoration in an expensive business, so the more time and money you spend to get your starter car, the better off you'll be, these cars are not cheap, so plan on saving about $10,000 up to spend on the purchase of your muscle car, and do a lot of checking in to the car, and learn all you can about it, know the car, know it's strengths and weaknesses, and you'll be much better off in the end.

About the Author

I've been in the automotive business for about 20 or 25 years, I have worked in all facets of the industry, from parts to restoration, all different makes and models, I just want to keep people interested in the old cars because it's where my heart is.

Car Restoration - How To Community

Muscle Cars รข€" Hydrogen As Gas? by David C. Atkin

Since the gas prices have been shooting up like a rocket, I think more and more people are looking for alternate ways to fuel their dreams of a muscle car, I haven't done a lot of research on this subject yet, but you can bet I will, from what I gather now, we still have to mix gasoline with it.

I am a fan of gasoline, don't get me wrong, I have not gone hippie on my loyal readers, I'm looking at this as a way to save money, and keep us driving our muscle cars as much as we want, from what I have read on the subject it makes more power on less fuel, and does not emit harmful gasses.

I've seen designs on the converters, and it looks to me as if they still need some work, but I think in a couple of years this could be a viable solution to our fuel problems, along with E85 we could have everything we need very soon, and us muscle car freaks don't ask a lot, we want to drive.

I think once we get cars running on pure hydrogen we'll really have a good solution here, but for now E85 is the next best thing, we can still have fun in our muscle cars, without causing whiners to come UN-hinged on us, and once again blame the cars for all the world's problems.

Which like any other idiot theory, is completely untrue, and uncalled for, these people just like back in the late 1970's and the 1980's are looking for a scape goat once again, and cars, and the manufactures of them are an easy target.

Once again I have went of on a rant, but I think that is out of my system now and I can get back to what I was talking about earlier in this article, which if you have forgotten is using hydrogen as gas for our muscle cars, I think it's a great idea, if they don't put a stop to it.

Hydrogen is a clean burning fuel, that from what I gather is making better power the gasoline, which will make it an obvious hit for the muscle car freaks, of which I can proudly say I am one, and no matter what happens I will always be one.

The HHO is a combination of gasoline and water, of which the converter creates hydrogen form, and then they are combined and run as fuel, safely creating from 20 to 50% better fuel mileage, and better power at the same time, it's a great idea, now let's take it all the way guys.

I love cars, and I will always come to their defense when it's needed, I was watching an interview with representatives of Obama and Mccain, and they were going after cars yet again, blaming them for most of our problems, something that makes me not want to vote for either of them.

Just go a head, and mess with what I love, and I will defend to the end the fact that cars are not the major cause of all of our problems with our atmosphere, I'll admit that everything contributes to the big picture, but don't lay all the weight on cars, and the automotive industry, it's just not right.

Things are happening that are going to make cars better on our ecosystem, if people will just give it a chance, don't drive the big three out of business making them retool their entire business just to appease an idiot or two running at the mouth, let history play it's card, let the inventors have a go at it.

By all means let us keep our cars, don't be trying to force us to drive electric cars, we are American , and we'll drive what we love, and real Americans love cars that are built in Detroit, and in the USA, and that is just how it is, so let's quit playing games, and just make things happen.

About the Author

I've been in the automotive business for about 20 or 25 years, I have worked in all facets of the industry, from parts to restoration, all different makes and models, I just want to keep people interested in the old cars because it's where my heart is.

Car Restoration - How To Community